Website Backlog

From Lacrosse Plan Drills
Revision as of 06:19, 23 September 2017 by Dave (talk | contribs)
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Wordpress site

  • Configure smtp info:
  • Yoast need to figure out how to fix the title tag to display the sitename and not just the pagetitle
  • Configure a custom login screen
  • Disable registration add a form to request an account
  • Test bulk account upload
  • Test forgot password
  • Test sending a custom email message for new accounts
  • Update the No access page to link to the request an account form
  • Customize yoast breadcrumbs with archive pages
  • Build a private coaches area for discussions and create a coaches role that has editor rights (Coaches role is Author)


  • Create Video for Iron
  • Create a video for Fill
  • Camel
  • 3-Man