11/1/2020 - Practice Plan
From Lacrosse Plan Drills
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5 Min |
Active Stretching
- Fast and Competitive
- Positive only
10 Min |
2 man passing down field
20 Min |
Stations: Offense and Defense
Offensive Station: Tom
- NLC shooting - 3 guys
- 3 guys through X shooting - Drive down alley, pass to X, pass to cutter on weakside
- From X drive and redirect
Defensive Station: Dave
- Heavy: proper technique
- 3 Man: proper technique
Rutgers DAS - Dodge Approach Slide
Rutgers DAS - Dodge Approach Slide
- Objectives: Approaches, offball awareness, slide, fake slide/technique, communication, recovery
- Setup Cones in a square, and create an X going out from the middle (Slide Man, Approach Man, Dodger)
- Dodger:
- Moves in the direction the coach tells them (alley, topside, behind)
- Dodge in 3-5 yard area
- 50-100% (gradually increase)
- Approach Man:
- Toss the ball to the dodger
- Stick out, sitting down, head up, ball of your feet
- Take away one side of the triangle (arm to shoulder), force the dodger one way, prevent any rollbacks
- Hands on them, lock your arms at 90 degrees, punch, drive and steer
- Recover to the crease once slider tells you to "Look away"
- Slide Man:
- Stick position: top hand above your ears, toward the inside, stick is behind you, then move it forward
- Slide to where they are going, not to where they are at
- Contain first, then go for the ball
- Communicate to the look away guy
- Rotation in the drill
- Dodger becomes approach man
- Approach Man to Slide Man
- Slide Man to Dodger
10 Min |
- Army
- Banana - goalie free clear
5 Min |
10 Min |
Face Offs and keep away
10 Min |
Setup Morph
- Attack at x and two in the crease (paul at x)
- middies at wings and top
10 Min |
Two players inside movement
- Basic concept of crease guy (picks and exchanges) Divide into plus sign quadrant
- If ball low be high in quadrant
- Pick and choose which passes you cut for, every two passes you cut or pick
- Outside guys morph into diamond or square - fade and follow - never go into the crease, pass or dodge (north/south east/west)
- Pick and Roll
- Mumbo - Underneath or behind the picker
- Double Mumbo 'Morph 2' - dodge top middle Split dodge, two outside guys moving before he dodges, outside guys pick in and roll up, inside guys curl out inside towards the cage
- Single Mumbo 'Morph 1 53 or 35' - one guy outside clears through, next guy mumbo in, inside guy curl out inside
- X guy is the sneak
- Trigger
- Yellow - Ball shoot over the cage to x guy (shooter waits until x guy is in position)
10 Min |
Sideways Morph 2
- Two halves, 2 guys each side and two guys feeding
- Run Double Mumbo, inside guys curl out and shoot
- outside guy is in the inside
10 Min |
2 v 1 Box Build Up
- Offense, clear through, create space, set picks and rolls
- Drill starts as a 2v1 ground ball and goes into a 4 on 4
- start with goalie and 1 defender in the hole
- At corner of the box, have 2 offensive lines, and 1 defensive. Roll the ground ball with the defender always trailing
- Goes as 2v1 (2v2), 3v3, 4v4
10 Min |
Clear to a slow break
- 1 goalie, 1 defender, 1 middie, 3 attack
- Goalie clears to a defender
- Defender to middie, run the wing
- Middie to attack, attack to x to other side
10 Min |
Paint the pipe lines of 3