06/06/2018 - Practice Plan
From Lacrosse Plan Drills
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Time |
5 Min |
Active Stretching
- Tonights focus is on pace - everything done quickly
- Passing, Shooting, Dodging, Ground balls, etc
10 Min |
Star Passing
10 Min |
Hippo Drill 8v8
- Divide kids into teams
- On field its 8v8 running a 2-3-2
- You have 20 seconds to clear and 10 seconds to get it in the box
- Start with a face-off and after each goal we do a face-off
- Once a team gains possession a player can run with the ball only for 3-5 seconds. Then the player must pass the ball to a teammate.
- Focus is on quick passes
- If the player with the ball fails to pass in 3-5 seconds, the coach blows the whistle and possession changes
5 Min |
20 Min |
Stations: Shooting & Defending Iso
- Half the kids at each station, rotate after 10 min
Station 1: Shooting
4 Point Shooting Drill
4 Point Shooting Drill Setup
- This drill focuses on getting the ball in and out of your stick as quickly as possible
- Setup 4 cones in a semi-circle around the cage. You take 3 shots around the perimeter.
- Shot 1: Backside Shot - Simple look at the back pipe (on the crease quick ball fake) - Run towards the cone
- Shot 2: Outside Shot from 7/8 yards - Run around the cone
- Shot 3: Outside shot from 12/13 yards - Run around the cone
- Shot 4: Cut Down the Middle to work on ball Fake
- Feed from Position 5 - Each player gets 4 shots
Station 2: Defending Iso
- Take away the middle
- Turn hips and run, funnel them out
- Defending from top and bottom
5 Min |
10 Min |
Clears and Rides
- Clear options against a goalie free ride
- Work on butter
- Work on middle low long stick higher
- Set Clear and Ride
5 Min |
30 Min |
6 on 6
- Backer and plays
- When running plays from the top, backup and get a full head of steam
- Setup cones with a proper sideline, box, and midline
10 Min |
Team vs Team vs Team
10 Min |