1/24/2021 - Practice Plan

From Lacrosse Plan Drills

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Time Drill
5 Min Active Stretching
10 Min When executing simple, competitive movements, the ability to generate high levels of strength and speed instantaneously, in any given moment, relates to the athlete’s movement proficiency. This means the more speed and strength that is simultaneously generated in a given moment, the more it will lead to running and accelerating faster, increasing explosiveness, jumping higher, and changing direction quicker. So, the focus of today will be to marry the themes of the prior three training sessions into more complex movements that ultimately will give each athlete confidence in their own ability!

Movement (1-7 should be daily)

  • 15-20 Yards
  • 1) Marching with high knees (hands up)
  • 2) Marching with high knees (arm swing)
  • 3) High Knee Skips
  • 4) Lateral High Knee Skips
  • 5) Side Shuffle w/Overhead reach
  • 6) Carioca
  • 7) Back Pedal
45 Min Soccer
10 Min Star passing
15 Min Triangle Passing Drill

This drill is meant to be an alternative to line drills and gets many touches for kids passing and catching.

  • Have your kids get in groups of 3 and form a triangle
  • Make sure kids are moving their feet slightly when catching and throwing
  • Do some of the following
    • Pass and Catch with the outside hand, switching hands
    • Pass all righty or lefty
    • Push Pass
    • Throw backs, kids starting moving in one direction and throw back to the person behind them
    • Catch and Roll dodge
    • Ground ball roll while rotating
    • 3 guys in a line with quick passing

20 Min Alley Dodge with Pull Pass and Shot
  • Explain a pull pass across your body, moves the ball 1-2 seconds quicker
  • 3 Lines up top
  • First guy Dodges down the alley, hit a cone then pull passes to the center guy
  • center guy moves it to the 3rd guy for the outside shot
  • New guy goes, run to the line you pass to
  • Switch Sides
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRRbXgiLbIg

20 Min 4 Point Shooting Drill
4 Point Shooting Drill Setup
  • This drill focuses on getting the ball in and out of your stick as quickly as possible
  • Setup 4 cones in a semi-circle around the cage. You take 3 shots around the perimeter.
    • Shot 1: Backside Shot - Simple look at the back pipe (on the crease quick ball fake) - Run towards the cone
    • Shot 2: Outside Shot from 7/8 yards - Run around the cone
    • Shot 3: Outside shot from 12/13 yards - Run around the cone
    • Shot 4: Cut Down the Middle to work on ball Fake
  • Feed from Position 5 - Each player gets 4 shots

5 Min Water
10 Min two man or 3 man weave passing