From Lacrosse Plan Drills
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Time |
5 Min |
Active Stretching
15 Min |
"+" Passing Drill
- Phase 1
- Outer players all have a ball
- Center player moving feet and passing with four outer passers
- Phase 2
- Feet in concrete - center player can't move feet
- Works on alternative catching and passing angles
15 Min |
Keep Away
- Work on spacing, picks, finding weak side, and green space
- Add a +1 or -1 to simulate EMO/MD scenario
5 Min |
15 Min |
Step-Down Shooting Drill
- Two lines on the left and right
- One line passes to the other line and shoots
- Focus on technique
20 Min |
Crossfire Passing
10 Min |
3 Man - Crease Slide and Recover
- Whiteboard - Walk through the 3 Man press
- Show that the slide comes from the middle, two other players cover 3 and the crease
- Man on the ball takes away the middle of the field
- Crease guy slides and yells he's hot
- The bottom guys fill and crease guy recovers
- The two men stick up try to take skip pass
- Echo 3 Man
- Crease guys (must call "1" and "2") - Slide guy must yell "hot"
5 Min |
20 Min |
Double Gretzky Drill
- practice picking up cutters
- two feeders behind the cage
- pass the ball back and forth
- 2 defenders and 2 offensive guys top of the box
- defenders head on a swivel yelling which player has the ball while watching their guy
- offensive guys cut, defender denies the cut
- defender should watch the cutter's hips not his head, shoulders or eyes
20 Min |
6 v 6 Half Field (optional)
- Game situations
- Face-offs
- Substitutions
- Clears/rides