8/29/2021 - Practice

From Lacrosse Plan Drills

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Time Drill
5 Min Active Stretching
  • Start with a warm up jog of a full length of the field and back
  • Knee huggers (hamstrings): Hug each knee to the chest, moving hips forward
  • High kicks (hamstrings, hips): Kick leg up and across the body towards raised hand on opposite side. Let leg free fall (lightly) backwards.
  • Lateral slides (groin, hips, knees, ankles, lower back): *visualize a line of hurdles* move laterally while ducking under each hurdle.
  • Heel scoops (hamstrings, lower back): Extend leg out in front with heel on the ground. Reach with both hands towards the heel. Come “through the leg” with arms all the way above the head.
  • Toe touches (hamstrings, core): On one foot, reach down and across the body towards the foot on opposite side. Simultaneously reaching behind with unplanted leg.

5 min Warmup jog twice around the field
10 Min Star Passing
7 Min Keep Away 3 v 4 or 5 v 6 Passing - Be Comfortable with Panic
  • Setup out of bounds
  • 3 Offensive guys vs 4 defense guys passing
  • Use the cage as help
15 Min Double Gretzky Drill
  • practice picking up cutters
  • two feeders behind the cage
  • pass the ball back and forth, must receive pass at X (throwback passing), or put 1 defender
  • 2 defenders and 2 offensive guys top of the box
  • defenders head on a swivel yelling which player has the ball while watching their guy
  • offensive guys cut, defender denies the cut
  • defender should watch the cutter's hips not his head, shoulders or eyes
15 Min Offensive Setup
  • 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6
  • Zero and 14
  • Two passes (away from strong side and dodge)
  • Exchange (back side)
  • Two-Man in Zero, Two-Man in 14

20 Min Offensive Skeleton Plays
  • 21 - near side middie clear through and set pick for far side, middle middie exchange with near side
  • 12 Pick - Offball pick
  • 53 - attack in crease, 2 behind at x, 2 middies clear through, move to set picks for each other, attack sneak on both sides of the ball
  • 14 Set - Jumbo (double mumbo) - feed from x - outside pick for opposite side - Inbounds play
45 Min 6 v 6
  • Play with lines switching colors
  • Sub on the Fly - If your man comes off, follow him