Template:Belly To Helmet Technique
From Lacrosse Plan Drills
Belly To Helmet Technique
Goal of Drill: Learn faceoff counters when your opponent is faster than you.
- First try to win the faceoff, using the techniques you already know. If you cannot win it then we move to Belly to Helmet
- Line up in a high standing neutral
- When the whistle blows, move to the right, standing up in an athletic stance, and get your belly where his helmet is
- Don't go low, don't go for the ball right away, wait until he exits
- If he claps and moves with crow hops, move with your belly always on the stick
- Remember he's got one step before the ball needs to come out the backside of the head
- Attack his stick right when his hand is moving up
- Drill: Two guys, one is practicing belly to helmet the other his faceoff moves
- Player practicing belly to helmet calls "down, set, go"
- Practice belly to helmet movement while the other guy practices pops, rakes, defensive backs etc