Template:Marquette Fade Shooting

From Lacrosse Plan Drills

Marquette Fade Shooting

Drill to teach guys to back pedal as the ball carrier is coming towards them. three parts to the drill. This is another aspect of the two man game.

  • Phase 1: Back Pedal Fade Shooting - two lines top of the box, alternating where the ball starts
    • One line starts with the ball, the other line moves towards the ball carrier for purpose of drill
    • Back pedal receive shot, step down and shoot. Make sure you are in different areas of the field
  • Phase 2: Back Pedal Split Shooting - Same as above, but split and go down the opposite alley, shoot with the stick to the outside
  • Phase 3: Back Pedal Give and Go - Same as above, but the passer, after passing goes to the goal and shoots
